Sunday morning and no energy! But to have more energy we need to …
Sunday morning and it’s cold outside. We may feel like staying in bed all morning.
The interesting thing with energy is that most times, the answer to feeling better is not to rest more but to do more. To get the body moving.
If your body feels like an old shed door with the rustiest hinges making any movement painful and noisy, start slowly.
There are plenty of morning stretch videos on YouTube which wake you up like a bear emerging from hibernation. Slowly slowly.
Then you can progressively increase your activity levels, your blood will flow, your heart will work and you will have oxygen circulating in your body.
Consult a doctor if you need to but the secret to having energy is to move, not drink an energy drink.
And often it’s at the point when we least feel like it that we should move and exercise.
It’s Sunday morning. I’m up, had a shot of our liquid multivitamin and some water. Now I’m going exercise!
I REALLY don’t feel like it but it will be good afterwards!